Career Infinity Classes in Kanpur Candidate can know how to prepare for NEET in the best possible way so as to increase their changes of qualifying for the exam. The NEET PREPARATIONS tips will guide the aspirants to strategize the study schedule, manage time ,clear doubts, and everything that is necessary to qualify for the examination. NEET PREPARATION AND STUDY SCHEDULE Career Infinity Classes Making a smart and pragmatic study schedule is the first step towards building a comprehensive plan on how to prepare for NEET. Aiming for superficial target will only lead to disappoint ment and consequently , it will affect your performance. Well, this is quite obvious that a study schedule has to be there for the preparation of any comperative exam. In particular ,if we talk about neet then there are four subjects- Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoolozy. It is required to prepare a tentative study plan to cover all the subjects effectively. The syllabus forms t...